Kadi Findling
Stony Lonesome Group - Senior Venture Associate
Startup Mentor and Advisor
Founder of myCoffeePass – an app connecting coffee lovers to local coffee shops (think the Starbucks app but for local coffee shops).
Co-Founder of Evergreener
2x National Champion both Quarterback and Cornerback playing women's professional football
Played collegiate softball at BYU-Hawaii
Military family - two brothers and an uncle Air Force (OSI) and a cousin Army (Delta Force)
BYU-Hawaii - Studied Exercise Science
BYU-Idaho - Studied Health Science
VC Online University through UC Berkeley Law
Softball, Football, Fishing, Snowboarding, Wakeboarding, Water Skiing, Shooting, Scuba Diving, Megalodon Shark Tooth Hunting, Sailing, Coaching, and Working Out.