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Dan O'Shea_edited.jpg

Dan O'Shea

US Navy (Retired Commander - US Navy SEAL Officer)


Stony Lonesome Group – Venture Partner and Military Advisory Board





Co-Founder of Defense Tech Intel start-up


Daniel Risk Mitigation, Founder


GROM, VP of Personnel Recovery and Kidnapping Rescue


News Network Geopolitical/ Military Analyst, On air contributor for CNN, FOX, MSNBC


Discovery Channel, Consulting Producer/ Technical Advisor







29-year career as a Navy SEAL officer retiring as a Commander (Active, Reserve, IRR)


22 months leading the Hostage Working Group, US Embassy, Iraq


USSOCOM, USCENTCOM, Platoon Commander SEAL Team 3


SEAL Trident BUD/S Class 179 and Army Ranger Tab




Unites States Naval Academy, BS History


University of San Diego, MS Executive Leadership




International Geopolitics, Scuba Diving, and his dog Jamison Harley aka “Jamo”


Former triathlete and adventure racer. Founder of the Tampa Bay Frogman Swim

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